We did it!
After months of hard work, gallons of tea and coffee and mountains of croissants and cakes (thanks to The Porter, Waitrose Cafe in Bath, The Royal Crescent Hotel and Carluccio's in Milsom Place Bath!)
It took all day to secure each string of roses to the beautiful colonnades outside of the Pump Rooms in the centre of Bath and it would not have been possible without the patient help of my friends and family!
We had an amazing time with press interviews from Bath Chronicle, Wiltshire Gazette and BBC Points West making us feel rather impotent! Bath on TV made this fabulous film of the event which is just brilliant!
The highlight of the day for me was seeing the smiling faces of the truly wonderful ladies who helped make this all possible. In addition to these gorgeous women we had roses sent in from all over the UK keeping my postman as busy as could be! In the last few weeks he was delivering parcels of roses almost every day! I mustn't forget the fabulous and very industrious women from the Corsham Knitting and Crochet group who donated a staggering 409 Roses....wow!
I am so proud of what we achieved. Not only did we raise money for the fabulous Kids Company but we created incredible value in bringing people together - new friendships have been formed and lives have been brightened. Bath Chronicle featured a story covering some of the personal stories of the women involved. I like to think that between us we made a difference.